If you have ever suffered from back or hip pain, it could be a result of muscles around the pelvis shortening or weaking altering the position of the pelvis. This can be unilateral (one sided) or bilateral (occur on both sides of the body). this is known as Anterior...
Deep Oscillation Therapy
Barbra was referred to me by an existing client, prior to her right knee replacement I had given her some pre-habilition exercises to get her knee stronger before the operation. This she found helpful and aided in her rehabilitation after her operation. In the month...
Important Update
During these uncertain times we are pleased to offer some good news in that RJM Therapy can remain open, however there are some strict guidelines to adhere to. These guidelines are from the governing bodies of which I hold membership. Complementary & Natural...
We’re Opening!!
We hope you are all keeping yourselves safe in this extraordinary time. As you know there have been some confusing decisions being made by the government over sports therapy treatments, they initially thought of the industry as massage parlours which to those who use...
In Preparation…
Whilst adhering to the government guidelines we sadly had to shut our doors to the public and close our appointments calender. On a positive note we've been busy learning lots of new things, polishing up on our treatments and making all the necessary arrangements so...
Coronavirus – A Heartfelt Message
Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, I have followed the advice from the association's that I'm a member of. I have now received the following message from the Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council, approved as an...
Sports Taping
Sports Taping, what is it? The traditional sports taping and strapping method provided both muscle and joint support, but it also reduced the range of motion and support to the connective fascia tissue. In some cases it actually inhibited the healing process of the...
Are You Marathon Training?
Are You Marathon Training? By increasing mileage, you are increasing the chance of injury. This in turn could hamper your training and impact your marathon goal. So the pain or 'niggles' you feel whilst training can be the normal aches and pains or the early signs of...
Happy New Year 2020!
Firstly, happy new year everyone and welcome to 2020. What a year it's been, whilst looking to offer more services, we're also introducing more availability for bookings. Thank you all so much for keeping us busy and sharing your experiences with us. We've heard so...
Christmas Wishes From RJM Therapy
From all of us here at RJM Therapy, we're wishing you a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. To all our friends, family & loved ones, thank you for visiting us this year. You've been kind enough to support a local business that is thriving. We are...